Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Why hello there. I really wish there was a punctuation mark that meant the sentence was a happy, smiling sentence. And, no, I do not want to put a smilie face there. This is a blog, not a teenager's phone. Get some class people.

If you are arriving here from my writing blog, welcome back! Good times... Fun memories. Love it.

If you are arriving from the internets, I also welcome you! I hate exclamation points. I use them an awful lot though.

Like I said before, I also write a blog about writing and books. Little do people know, I also have a fitness blog that I am starting to update regularly to. Check them out if you feel so inclined.

First posts are often a drag, so I try to avoid them as much as possible. But, like it or not there are some things that we just must get out of the way.

And believe it or not, there is a story behind it all.

So... The Life and Times of the Undefined. Interesting blog title right?

I played around with some names from The Life and Times of Emily to The Blog About Stuff That Most People Have No Interest In But I Am Writing It Anyway. I mulled over The Life and Times of a Writing Girl for quite a long while. Then I realized something pretty spectacular. Why do I constantly call myself a writer? Perhaps it is because it was the first thing I ever fell in love with, or the only thing I've ever loved and been relatively good at. I'm not just a writer. I do other things, too, like draw, read, play sports, compose and play music, chew gum. Why do I always define myself as this one thing?

Frankly, I was tired of it. I am human, and I am undefinable. Fuck, yeah.

So, there you have it. The Life and Times of the Undefined.

The short and simple reason for this blog is that I love boxing things up into little packages when it comes to the internet. I stick to the rule that a blog should only talk about one subject, and I was tired of posting personal things on my writing blog.

The Life and Times of the Undefined is a place for me to rant and talk about my life. To discuss topics of any sort and talk about other things I'm doing and want to do. So, my dear friends, if you are reading this right now, I wouldn't do anything you don't want on the internet.


There's no reason for the photo. I just like it. Actually....
This is a visual representation of you finding my blog.
It's just that awesome.

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